En 2007 el examen de idioma español tiene la siguiente pregunta (click para ampliar):
The distractor for this type of question format is different in that the answers are pictures. Students have to translate/visualize the target language they hear, rather than seeing English answers which would provide clues. Marzano’s Building Academic Vocabulary comes into play here, just as it did in the example a couple of weeks ago with Science. How might technology help?
No Tech
Students maintain vocabulary notebook ala Marzano, including their own drawings of terms.
Some Tech
Using interactive whiteboard, students create pictures representing terms which are saved and shared electronically with the class.
Total Tech
Using drawing software, students create pictures which are saved and posted to a class wiki where they are organized to highlight exemplary samples by individual students.
Image citations:
Question 16. Second Language Proficiency Examination, Spanish, June 18, 2007. 14 October 2008. http://www.nysedregents.org/testing/slp/es-607.pdf
Question 16. Second Language Proficiency Examination, Spanish, June 18, 2007. 14 October 2008. http://www.nysedregents.org/testing/slp/es-607.pdf