Category: Conferences

  • Synthesizing NYSCATE #2 – Is Google Big Brother?

    Let me begin by saying that Google is awesome. The breadth and depth of tools coming out of Google each day is unreal. This post is not meant to be a “paranoia” reaction. Its just something nagging in the back of my mind. I’ll try to voice it and see if it makes sense. At…

  • Hey – I’m In This Video!

    Some “party crashers” (aka learners from another workshop) dropped into our Web 2.0 workshop with David Jakes on Sunday. They were learning movie making and took the opportunity to interview Dave. There are audio issues where the camera person is heard more than the subjects, but here is the product of their learning, posted as…

  • Synthesizing NYSCATE #1 – Personal Learning Environments

    There was no specific session on the topic of personal learning environments (PLEs), but the concept came up many times throughout the conference as what we need to do to move forward with the new, connected, world of learning. Basically, a PLE is a learner-centered starting point, or gathering place, for an individual to create…

  • Connecting the Classroom: Helping Student Build Global Learning Networks w/Will Richardson – NYSCATE

    While the title of this session was clear, Will started by inviting the conversation to go in any desired direction. We traversed many topics during the hour with some interesting points and conversations. Of note: Will linked the session into and broadcast video/audio live via the Internet. He “advertised” the session stream via Twitter,…

  • Various Sessions at NYSCATE

    Playing a bit of catch up here – there is so much to see/do/learn that time flies by. I’m going to reflect on a few different sessions from yesterday/today. Sunday Keynote w/Marco Torres: Marco is a wonderful and inspirational person. Its easy to see why he is so successful with his students. It was a…

  • Digital Storytelling 2.0 with David Jakes – NYSCATE

    The presentation resources can be found  on David’s wiki page. One of the reasons I’ve followed David’s work for a while is his focus on digital storytelling. In this session he talked about the fundamentals of good stories, and about his influence and work with the Center for Digital Storytelling. The key to developing good…

  • Welcome to the Human Network – An Introduction to Web 2.0 with David Jakes – NYSCATE

    Presentation resources can be found here. The first part of the day David spent providing an overview of Web 2.0, focusing on its place in the classroom and how it “changes the game” of learning. Some of the key points as takeaways for me: The key to bringing people on board and understanding Web 2.0…

  • Constructivist Celebration – NYSCATE Preconference

    The Constructivist Celebration came to NYSCATE today. The first celebration took place at NECC back in July, and its great that we had the opportunity in New York to come together. Gary Stager, Executive Director of the Constructivist Consortium, and Melinda Kolk, of Tech4Learning, started the day speaking about the value and need for constructivist…

  • Just around the bend…

    …is the 2007 installment of the state educational computing conference, sponsored by NYSCATE. I’ve been browsing the program, and there are many interesting sessions to choose from. My favorite part about the conference is getting time to spend with national (and international) experts in educational technology. I’m signed up to spend a pre-conference day with…

  • What Works in Schools

    I just finished a 3 day workshop sponsored by the school on the research of Robert Marzano and Debra Pickering. The workshop was lead by another of the Marzano group, Bea McGarvey. Bea is an entertaining speaker and shared many insights on the current state of education, and what we could/should do, based on research,…