Category: Conferences

  • Video is Hot

    Reflecting back on one of my predictions for this year, video IS hot. As NYSCATE continued, I heard from many different people about how excellent projects involved video. In a session I attended presented by Apple Distinguished Educator Carol LaRow titled Exemplary Student Technology Projects, ALL of the projects had video as the product. Video…

  • Why I Come (revisited)

    In my post from yesterday, I talked about why I come to conferences – to hopefully see and hear from the leaders and visionaries I would not normally get the opprotunity to see. Today I had the opportunity to be in with Will Richardson for 3 different presentations. One of the great things about blogging…

  • School 2.0

    Tim Magner, Director of the Office of Educational Technology at the US Department of Education spoke today about the recenlty released vision for ed tech, titled School 2.0. It is a fascinating, detailed map about the direction that schools should take to meet the needs of society in this time of rapid technology change. This…

  • Why I Come

    Going to conferences can be a challenge from the standpoint of there being so much to do or learn. I have always tried to focus on going to sessions or workshops that are run by national leaders or visionaries – the types of people you don’t get to interact with everyday. Peter Reynolds is just…

  • A School is People Learning

    Having just finished the morning portion of a full day with Peter Reynolds (, the title above summarizes the inspiring morning I had. Albeit simple and basic, it sums up why we are here, in priority order. The fist priority in school is (should be) people. People (students, staff) need to be cared about first…

  • NYSCATE 2006

    The annual state computer technology conference begins today in Rochester. Sponsored by NYSCATE (New York State Association for Computers and Technologies in Education), this years theme is Learning & Leading – Enhanced Through Technology. Tomorrow (Sunday) I am spending the day with the creator of, Peter Reynolds. The title of his workshop is The…

  • Summer Haiku

    Welcome back, everyone! I’d love to hear how your summer was – so let’s try it in the form of a haiku. I’ve read up on haiku a little, and the “rules” for them are not set in stone – but typically one is set with 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and then 5 syllables in…

  • eThemes

    Looking for quality web resources for your classroom? I was introduced to another free online resource called eThemes. It is teacher-reviewed, kid-appropriate web content based around over 900 different themes, or topics. The site, and themes, are maintained by an outstanding program called eMINTS, based in Missouri. This is a site for teachers to go…

  • Day 4 Theme

    This one was easier to come up with as I spent my last half day at the Technology Leadership Forum sponsored by ISTE. The theme for day 4 was: Vision There are 11 essential conditions a district must have for successful technology implementation. Those 11 conditions are: -Shared Vision -Equitable Access -Skilled Personnel -Professional Development…

  • Day 3 Theme

    A lot went on for me in day 3, but if I have to boil it down into a theme, it would be: The Future The day started with a keynote by futurist & author Joel Baker, who spoke on his book (and theory) Five Regions of the Future. I then spent some time looking…