Category: Russo’s Ramblings

  • First Day of Kindergarten

    My son started his school learning journey today. He was very excited when he woke up, hopped on the bus (yes I was a doting dad with the video camera) and had a great day. We had a bit of extra excitement at the end of the day when he did not get off the…

  • PowerPointlessness is Everywhere

    Thankfully (tongue-in-cheek), the education realm is not the only place PowerPoint is abused…here is today’s Dilbert-enjoy! Note that you may have to click on the comic to see the last frame – you will be taken to the Dilbert site.

  • What in the Wordle Does This Mean?

    Thanks to Doug Johnson and his Blue Skunk Blog, I just learned of a neat tool, Wordle. You can paste a blob of text, or enter a URL, RSS feed, or user, and see a word cloud created based on the content provided. The resulting image can be customized by color and shape. When…

  • Under Construction – Please Excuse the Mess

    I’m tinkering with a new theme, and as a result, lots of things are moving around and are “works-in-progress.” Please excuse the dust – I figure it will take a couple of weeks as I learn how to customize the WordPress templates.

  • (pat, pat, pat)…Still Here!

    Well, July 1st has come and the blog is still here – woo-hoo! The transition from Teacherhosting to DreamHost is complete. One of the reasons I like to do the extra work of registering and hosting my own blog is so I can understand and learn about it. The move was not so bad but…

  • Moving Day – See You Soon (Hopefully!)

    Moving day is upon me. I have to say that in the real world, I do not like moving, and in the virtual world of moving web hosts, I like it equally as little! After receiving word that my hosting service,, is discontinuing service as of June 30th, I’ve been a bit stressed about…

  • A True Buffalo Hero

    Students, please take note: we lost a Buffalonian yesterday that is worthy of the title “hero.” He was not an amazing athlete. He was not a wizard with business dealings or money. He was a smart, straight forward, honest, hard working journalist, and at the top of his game. Tim Russert is the type of…

  • Aaack! Can Anyone Recommend a Good Web Host?

    Flash back to 2004, at the NECC Conference in New Orleans. I think it was during David Thornburg’s spotlight session that I decided to jump into blogging. I did not do a ton of research; rather I wanted to get going quickly. One of the blogging services I took note of (and which happened to…

  • Data

    Data can be awesome – as long as it is meaningful. The Dilbert comic below came out recently, and it hit home with me only because we are right now trying to determine if the data we collect for Fitnessgram is telling us what we want it to.

  • Twitter: Stop the Insanity!

    I just can’t keep up. Sorry. I love following the blogs of the top names in ed tech. Then along comes Twitter, where you can post what you are up to in 140 characters or less from a cell phone, constantly, and its the new rage. Honestly, when one person generates an average of 10-20…