Category: Video

  • Just around the bend…

    …is the 2007 installment of the state educational computing conference, sponsored by NYSCATE. I’ve been browsing the program, and there are many interesting sessions to choose from. My favorite part about the conference is getting time to spend with national (and international) experts in educational technology. I’m signed up to spend a pre-conference day with…

  • Oh, and the Other Thing Today…

    So today was one of those “sneaker days” as I call them. Running from project to project and room to room. These days are awesome… Mrs. Leone’s 8th grade spanish class finished the first digital storytelling project for the year today. Students had to be filmed in an interview situation with a partner. The content…

  • The Second Full Week – Just as Full

    So here it is a week since the last post, and the second full week is done. Were we ever on summer break? I can’t remember it at all now… Open house was Wednesday night, and I’m very pleased with how our feature video went. We have changed the format of open house a little…

  • The Machine is Us/ing Us

    This video, created by Michael Wesch and posted at YouTube, is great to show how Web 2.0 has changed our world. The one here is a repost of the video at TeacherTube, a much more educational friendly site. It is not clear if this repost is has permission granted to do so, however. I’ve been…

  • The answer…TeacherTube

    Perhaps this is the answer to being able to have kids produce and upload videos to a public site that does not also contain the stuff we don’t want kids to see…TeacherTube. Launched in March, TeacherTube has the look & feel of YouTube, w/o the worry of the bad stuff. I just created an account,…

  • Digital Storytelling

    I’m just finishing up with some of my required extra work hours for school. While these hours are a ridiculous paperwork nightmare for everyone, the purpose and focus allows for good study and reflection time. In a post earlier this year, Video is Hot, I talked about how video captures the minds of students. I…

  • Video is Hot

    Reflecting back on one of my predictions for this year, video IS hot. As NYSCATE continued, I heard from many different people about how excellent projects involved video. In a session I attended presented by Apple Distinguished Educator Carol LaRow titled Exemplary Student Technology Projects, ALL of the projects had video as the product. Video…

  • Epic 2014

    Epic 2014 is a video I was introduced to more than a year ago. It is a summary of recent happenings in the world of technology and media, and goes on to predict what happens by the year 2014. It is certainly just one view, that of the creators of the video, but it is…