TTT: Printing Gridlines in Excel
Tuesday’s Technology Tip Little ‘bytes’ of information to hopefully make your computing life easier. In Microsoft Excel, the lines between every row and column are called gridlines. Gridlines do not print by default, and there may be times when you want the gridlines on your printout. If you want gridlines to show when you print…
The Children’s Machine
Here is an audio track to accompany this post, if you like: luminous-rain Music courtesy of Kevin MacLeod My recent purchase of an XO laptop moved me to finally dip into the writing of Seymour Papert and his often-referenced book, The Children’s Machine: Rethinking School In The Age Of The Computer. Being in the midst…
Content Tech: Cooperative Learning
Content Tech Ideas for Technology Use in the Classroom In an ongoing look at the book, Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, the next strategy is cooperative learning. The research indicates that when technology is used collaboratively, there is a modest increase in effect size (learning). Multimeda, and specifically creating a video, is a…
TTT: The Shift Key
Tuesday’s Technology Tip Little ‘bytes’ of information to hopefully make your computing life easier. Drawing lines and shapes is easy to do in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and many other programs. If you want to draw straight lines, or perfect circles, squares, etc., use the shift key. When you click and drag while holding down the…
Content Tech: Summarizing and Note Taking
Content Tech Ideas for Technology Use in the Classroom In an ongoing look at the book, Using Technology With Classroom Instruction That Works, the next strategy for improving instruction is summarizing and note taking. As adults and educators, these techniques have become second nature to what we do. Students who are not used to pulling…
Content Tech: Nonlinguistic Representation
Content Tech Ideas for Technology Use in the Classroom In an ongoing review of the book Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, we will look at the strategy of nonlinguistic representation. A part of the introduction to this chapter grabbed my attention, so I’m going to take a slightly different approach to discussing this…
TTT: Default Printer
Tuesday’s Technology Tip Little “bytes” of information to help make your computing life easier. You can have every printer in the building set up in your profile, and print to any one when you need to. If there is one printer you use the most, it is easy to set it as your default printer.…
A Crayola Bomb for Christmas
Having a kindergarten child has prompted me to (finally) read Robert Fulghum’s entertaining and enlightening book, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. Since I’m so late to the book, its actually the 15th anniversary edition I’m exploring. I’m going to skip the bullet points of the rules of kindergarten, and instead,…
Content Tech: Cues, Questions and Advance Organizers
Content Tech Ideas for Technology Use in the Classroom In our ongoing look at the book, Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, the next planning question is, “Which strategies will help students acquire and integrate learning?” This question obviously has the most strategies since this is where most learning takes place. Cues, questions and…
TTT: My Computer vs. My Documents
Tuesday’s Technology Tip Little ‘bytes’ of information to hopefully make your computing life easier The safest way to open and save documents in school is through My Computer and your H: drive, not through My Documents. Because of the way our system is designed, there are occasional (and not consistent) times when opening or saving…