A Quick Mashup of Some Reading
I’ve just been reading Jim Collins’ book, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t. At the same time, just the other day a colleague forwarded a link to the Cisco/Metiri Group report, Technology in School: What the Research Says. I’m going to throw out a quote or two from each, to…
The Best Free Software
The current issue (March 2008) of PC Magazine features an article, The Best Free Software: 157 Apps for Work and Play (p.78). This got my attention not only due to the attractive price, but more since its getting close to the time where we determine what software we want installed on our computers for next…
A Webkinz World
Meet the newest members of our household. Thanks to a Christmas present from a neighbor, we are officially a Webkinz household. They are darn cute, I must say. Having 2 preschoolers, we (my wife and I) are on the brink of truly experiencing what the next generation is going to grow up with. There is…
We introduced the TechYES program to a pilot group of students today. The Gifted Programming teacher and myself are taking a group of 12 students through the certification process this semester to get a full understanding of how this can work. The initial reaction from the students was very positive. When they understood that THEY…
Farewell Mr. Kramer
This video was created in January of 2008, but not posted to this site until March of 2015. This is one of my creations, a tribute to the principal of Heim Middle School who was retiring. The video represents so much of what I enjoy about video, and the power it has to tell stories.…
2008 Education Blogoshpere Survey
Courtesy of Dr. Scott McLeod, the 2008 Education Blogosphere Survey is open until Jan. 26th. If you participate in blogging (reading and/or writing), take 10 minutes and help Scott gather valuable data on the state of the blogosphere. And if you have some time, check out his blog – Dangerously Irrelevant. Click on the button…
Copyright Confusion
Thanks to an article in a recent issue of eSchool News I was introduced to an outstanding new report, The Cost of Copyright Confusion for Media Literacy. The report is co-authored by researchers from Temple University and American University (American U. happens to be our librarian Mr. Saia’s alma mater). I found the report to…
Anything fun for the holidays?
I hope you had a great holiday, and got some cool gifts, too. One of my newer interests is plane spotting, thanks to my son who loves airplanes. The old Flying Tigers restaurant by the airport is an awesome place to watch planes, and since Mercy Flight has taken over the building, they have maintained…
Frank Lloyd Wright in Buffalo
One of my hobbies/interests is architecture, and Frank Lloyd Wright is one of my favorite architects. Buffalo has the second highest concentration of FLW designs standing (Chicago has the most). I went on what is probably my 3rd or 4th tour of the premiere Buffalo FLW installation, the Darwin D. Martin House. It is undergoing…