Tag: Internet Safety

  • Delete Cyberbullying

    At a regional technology integrators meeting on Friday I was introduced to some new (to me) materials to help make the point of what cyberbullying can look and feel like. Click below to hear a brief, direct, audio message from The National Crime Prevention Council and the AdCouncil: In the Kitchen with Megan You can…

  • Harsh – But Gets the Ball Rolling…

    In David Warlick’s book Raw Materials for the Mind (4th ed.), he has the following quote in the introduction: “IT Departments do not work for the technology. They work for the teachers, to make sure that teachers can use the technology to produce the learning experiences that they know need to happen in their classrooms.…

  • Cyberbullying: Theory to Action

    I just finished Nancy Willard’s book titled Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats: Responding to the Challenge of Online Social Cruelty, Threats, and Distress. It is full of good information on this important topic. I think the strength of the book is in the final chapters that talk about legal considerations for individuals, families and schools. There are…